[LTP] [PATCH] syscalls/acct02: Check read size.

Petr Vorel pvorel@suse.cz
Thu Oct 31 10:06:03 CET 2019

Hi Jan,

> > Hm, did you reproduce it on 4.18 (rhel8)?

> Above was RHEL7. Do you expect different outcome on RHEL8?
> I was looking at upstream sources too and it looked similar.
I know it was RHEL7. Good it's not affected by old kernel code,
but rather by overloaded host. Agree, that some tolerance is needed.

> Anyway, I don't think this part is an issue, test will skip it
> because "comm" doesn't match.

> We can tweak 'ac_btime' condition, but I think the test will remain
> race-y in environments with higher steal time:

> acct02.c:239: INFO: Verifying using 'struct acct_v3'
> acct02.c:192: INFO: == entry 1 ==
> acct02.c:127: INFO: elap_time/clock_ticks >= 2 (236/100: 2.00)
> acct02.c:192: INFO: == entry 2 ==
> acct02.c:82: INFO: ac_comm != 'acct02_helper' ('acct02')
> acct02.c:127: INFO: elap_time/clock_ticks >= 2 (236/100: 2.00)
> acct02.c:133: INFO: ac_exitcode != 32768 (0)
> acct02.c:141: INFO: ac_ppid != 43213 (43212)
> acct02.c:182: FAIL: end of file reached

Kind regards,

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