[LTP] Purpose of clock_nanosleep2 tests ?

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Tue Apr 21 11:20:45 CEST 2020

> While working on the time64 variants I stumbled upon
> testcases/kernel/syscalls/clock_nanosleep2/.
> The commit  log says that we were trying to test clock_nanosleep2()
> syscall, which I am unable to find, but still this ends up calling the kernel
> variant directly for clock_nanosleep() only.
> What am I missing ? Why is this stuff required ?

Hmm, I guess that there is no clock_nanosleep2() and the test is a
result of a confusion of some kind. Maybe the author just confused
clock_nanosleep(2) with clock_nanosleep2().

Looking at clock_nanosleep() tests, there does not seem to be a test
for ABSTIME so the best solution would be to move the test to
clock_nanosleep directory. What do you think?

Cyril Hrubis

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