[LTP] [RFC] enable OOM protection for the library and test process?

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Mon Dec 13 16:08:25 CET 2021

> > (if we haven't tried already) Could we make expected victim process
> > more appealing target by tweaking its oom_score/oom_score_adj ?
> >
> This might not be a good way.
> Because OOM Killer counts the oom_score by itself algorithm for
> choosing which process to kill. If we tweak that, it will interfere with
> the scientificity of the OOM test. But if we only do protect the
> lib-process,
> we know that shouldn't be killed and the test will report correctly for us.

Agree here, we shouldn't really touch the score of the process that is
supposed to be killed unless we want to test different scenarios. It
would make sense to run the test with slightly different score for the
child too, but we shouldn't remove the original score.

Cyril Hrubis

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