[LTP] [PATCH 1/2] KVM test infrastructure

Richard Palethorpe rpalethorpe@suse.de
Thu Mar 17 11:42:39 CET 2022


Richard Palethorpe <rpalethorpe@suse.de> writes:

> Hi Martin,
> Martin Doucha <mdoucha@suse.cz> writes:
>> Implement LTP infrastructure for tests which require executing a special
>> program inside KVM virtual machine. The infrastructure is split into two parts:
>> the host library and the guest library.
>> The host library provides functions for setting up and running virtual machines
>> with test payload built from test sources.
>> The guest library provides CPU bootstrap code and basic implementation of
>> some C and LTP library functions as well as functions for accessing low-level
>> arch features like special registers, interrupt tables or memory mapping tables.
>> The test sources will contain both guest-side payload code and host-side setup
>> code separated by preprocessor switch. The files get compiled twice with
>> different compiler options. Once to build the VM payload, once to build
>> the main program that will create the VM and execute the payload
>> inside it.
> This is great!
> Due to its size I'll just comment as I get chance to read it.

The rest looks good. I only put minimal effort into understanding the
assembly and linking, but it looks clean.

I also tested with nested virt and compiling with Clang.

Thank you,

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