[LTP] Regarding the Musl C library for using Linux Test Project on our Board linux kernel 5.4.25

R Akshay Dharmapuri raghavendra.akshay@alifsemi.com
Wed Nov 27 13:04:59 CET 2024

Hi All,

Myself Akshay from Alif Semiconductor working on LTP(Linux Test Project).I am using environment-setup-cortexa32hf-neon-poky-linux-musleabi (Musl C) for our target board.
I wanted to enquire how to test LTP on Arm 32 architecture(board architecture).We are using linux kernel 5.4.25 to deploy onto the target hardware.
Also wanted to enquire if musl C (above toolchain) is fully supported as I checked onto the documentation link of Linux Test Project(Its not yet fully supported)

Thanks and Regards
Akshay Dharmapuri

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