[LTP] Regarding the Musl C library for using Linux Test Project on our Board linux kernel 5.4.25

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Nov 28 11:04:38 CET 2024

> Myself Akshay from Alif Semiconductor working on LTP(Linux Test
> Project).I am using
> environment-setup-cortexa32hf-neon-poky-linux-musleabi (Musl C) for
> our target board.  I wanted to enquire how to test LTP on Arm 32
> architecture(board architecture).We are using linux kernel 5.4.25 to
> deploy onto the target hardware.

Most of LTP should work fine on 32bit arm. We we do run 32bit LTP on
64bit kernel at least for x86, so there shouldn't be that much 32bit
related problems. There may be stil few arm related or Musl related test
failures though.

> Also wanted to enquire if musl C (above toolchain) is fully supported
> as I checked onto the documentation link of Linux Test Project(Its not
> yet fully supported)

The documentation links to a ci/alpine.sh script that lists four tests
that are not supported on Musl (does not compile) and skipped in our CI.

Cyril Hrubis

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