[Primipassi] Mouse usb e touchpad su debian woody
Ven 24 Set 2004 19:58:06 CEST
Alle 18:51, venerdì 24 settembre 2004, TommyBlue ha scritto:
poi in file:/etc/X11/xorg.conf
# **********************************************************************
# Input devices
# **********************************************************************
#Driver "Synaptics"
#Identifier "Mouse[1]"
#Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
#Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
#Option "LeftEdge" "1700"
#Option "RightEdge""5300"
#Option "TopEdge" "1700"
#Option "BottomEdge""4200"
#Option "FingerLow" "25"
#Option "FingerHigh" "30"
#Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
#Option "MaxTapMove" "220"
#Option "VertScrollDelta" "100"
#Option "MinSpeed" "0.06"
#Option "MaxSpeed" "0.12"
#Option "AccelFactor" "0.0010"
#Option "SHMConfig" "on"
# Option "Repeater" "/dev/ps2mouse"
# **********************************************************************
# Core keyboard's InputDevice section
# **********************************************************************
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard1"
Driver "Keyboard"
# For most OSs the protocol can be omitted (it defaults to "Standard").
# When using XQUEUE (only for SVR3 and SVR4, but not Solaris),
# uncomment the following line.
# Option "Protocol" "Xqueue"
# Set the keyboard auto repeat parameters. Not all platforms implement
# this.
# Option "AutoRepeat" "500 5"
# Specifiy which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled (eg, with xset(1)).
# Option "Xleds" "1 2 3"
# To disable the XKEYBOARD extension, uncomment XkbDisable.
# Option "XkbDisable"
# To customise the XKB settings to suit your keyboard, modify the
# lines below (which are the defaults). For example, for a European
# keyboard, you will probably want to use one of:
# Option "XkbModel" "pc102"
# Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
# If you have a Microsoft Natural keyboard, you can use:
# Option "XkbModel" "microsoft"
# If you have a US "windows" keyboard you will want:
# Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
# Then to change the language, change the Layout setting.
# For example, a german layout can be obtained with:
# Option "XkbLayout" "de"
# or:
# Option "XkbLayout" "de"
# Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
# If you'd like to switch the positions of your capslock and
# control keys, use:
# Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:swapcaps"
# These are the default XKB settings for X.Org
# Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
# Option "XkbModel" "pc101"
# Option "XkbLayout" "us"
# Option "XkbVariant" ""
# Option "XkbOptions" ""
# **********************************************************************
# Core Pointer's InputDevice section
# **********************************************************************
Section "InputDevice"
# Identifier and driver
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
# On platforms where PnP mouse detection is supported the following
# protocol setting can be used when using a newer PnP mouse:
# Option "Protocol" "Auto"
# The available mouse protocols types that you can set below are:
# Auto BusMouse GlidePoint GlidePointPS/2 IntelliMouse IMPS/2
# Logitech Microsoft MMHitTab MMSeries Mouseman MouseManPlusPS/2
# MouseSystems NetMousePS/2 NetScrollPS/2 OSMouse PS/2 SysMouse
# ThinkingMouse ThinkingMousePS/2 Xqueue
Option "Protocol" "PS/2"
# The mouse device. The device is normally set to /dev/mouse,
# which is usually a symbolic link to the real device.
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
# Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
# Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
# Option "Device" "/dev/ttyS1"
# When using XQUEUE, comment out the above two lines, and uncomment
# the following line.
# Option "Protocol" "Xqueue"
# Baudrate and SampleRate are only for some Logitech mice. In
# almost every case these lines should be omitted.
# Option "BaudRate" "9600"
# Option "SampleRate" "150"
# Emulate3Buttons is an option for 2-button Microsoft mice
# Emulate3Timeout is the timeout in milliseconds (default is 50ms)
# Option "Emulate3Buttons"
# Option "Emulate3Timeout" "50"
# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice
# Option "ChordMiddle"
# Aggiunta per il mouse usb
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse2"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" # attiva la rotellina
del mouse
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Name" "AutoDetected"
> Salve,
> Sul portatile sono passato da fedora a debian, Ho fatto l'upgrade di
> xfree86 alla 4.4.0 perché non partiva l'interfaccia grafica
> Ora ho il problema che non funzionano né il mouse usb né il touchpad Da due
> giorni giro per internet e ho provato mille configurazioni, sia usando il
> comando gpmconfig sia modificando a mano i files /etc/gpm.conf e
> /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (seguendo alcune guide trovate con google)
> Nonostante tutto non funziona nulla!
> Per quanto riguarda il mouse (che m'interessa di più) suppongo sia un
> problema di identificare cosa sia:
> usando il comando
> #gpm -R -t "tipo"
> ho provato mman, ms, pnp, bm, ligim, ps2.
> Tutti tentativi falliti.
> Il mouse è un logitech 2 tast + rotellina ottico
> Grazie per l'eventuale aiuto
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