[Primipassi] tornare ad una versione precedente

leandro noferini lnoferin@cybervalley.org
Mer 20 Dic 2006 09:37:54 CET

sauro niccolai <sauro.niccolai@tiscali.it> writes:

> ho installato una versione instabile di un'applicazione:
> come faccio a tornare ad una versione stabile precedente?
> (ho ubuntu, quindi sinaptic e apt-get...)

da man apt-get:


          A  specific   version  of  a  package  can   be  selected  for
          installation by following the package name with an equals and
          the version  of the  package to select.  This will  cause that
          version to be located and selected for install.
          Alternatively  a  specific  distribution  can be  selected  by
          following the package name with a slash and the version
          of  th A specific  version of  a package  can be  selected for
          installation by following the package name with an equals and
          the version  of the  package to select.  This will  cause that
          version to be located and selected for install.
          Alternatively  a  specific  distribution  can be  selected  by
          following the package name with a slash and the version
          of  the distribution  or  the Archive  name (stable,  testing,

Quindi prima lo elimini e poi apt-get install pacchetto=versione

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