adozione gpe-*

Davide Patti
Lun 13 Nov 2006 14:52:02 CET

Ciao a tutti,
e' mia intenzione adottare il gruppo di pacchetti gpe-*. Come 
precedentemente discusso ho contattato gli autori del progetto (vedere 
mail riportata sotto) per confermare l'utilizzo del TP.



Hi Davide,

Davide Patti schrieb:

 >> I'm an italian user of gpe I'd like to be involved into italia
 >> translation of gpe. I'm already a translator of some gnome packages such
 >> as gftp, totem, gnopernicus.

oh, that's nice!

 >> Can you confirm that I must follow the Translation Project procedure:

Yes right, that's the way to go... and don't hestitate to bug me or just 
the mailinglist if you stumble over an outdated package in the 
translation feeds.


__Davide Patti______________________________________ - icq: 122208759
"What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists?
In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet."
                                    (W. Allen)

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