Please update debconf PO translation for the package iso-codes 1.5-1

Christian Perrier
Dom 7 Ott 2007 14:08:07 CEST


You are noted as the last translator for ISO-3166 code list
in iso-codes. 

The English strings changed recently, and now some messages
are marked "fuzzy" in your translation or are missing.

I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it.
Please send the updated file to the iso-codes developers
(, as a bug report against
iso-codes ( or
as a bug report against the iso-codes Debian package.


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Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        it.po
Tipo:        text/x-gettext
Dimensione:  33843 bytes
Descrizione: non disponibile

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