(2nd call) Please update debconf PO translation for the package uswsusp 0.6~cvs20070618-2

Christian Perrier bubulle@debian.org
Sab 13 Ott 2007 19:19:31 CEST

(2nd call as some templates strings were missing)


The debian-l10n-english team has reviewed the debconf templates for
uswsusp. This process has resulted in changes that may make your
existing translation incomplete.

A round of translation updates is being launched to synchronize all

Please send the updated file as a wishlist bug against the package.

The deadline for receiving the updated translation is Saturday, October 27, 2007.


-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale è stato rimosso....
Nome:        it.po
Tipo:        text/x-gettext
Dimensione:  19968 bytes
Descrizione: non disponibile
Url:         http://lists.linux.it/pipermail/tp/attachments/20071013/3d772b98/attachment-0001.bin 

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