Richiesta di revisione: aegis 4.24

Milo Casagrande
Sab 1 Nov 2008 12:17:47 CET

Il giorno sab, 01/11/2008 alle 09.57 +0100, vince ha scritto:
> # This error message is issued when an environment variable is meant
> to
> # be a positive integer, and it is not.
> #
> #       $Name           The name of the environment variable.
> #
> #: libaegis/user/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "the $name environment variable must be a positive decimal
> number"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "$$$name must be positive"
> msgstr "La variabile di ambiente «$name» deve essere un numero
> decimale
> positivo"

s/di ambiante/d'ambiente
s/decimale/intero ?

> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "The \"$filename\" file is a inappropriate type of file.  You may
> only use "
> #  "this command for normal files.  Symbolic links and other special
> file types "
> #  "must be created at build time."
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "$filename bad nf type"
> msgstr ""
> "Il file «$filename» è di tipo inappropriato. Questo comando può
> essere
> utilizzato "
> "solo per file normali. Collegamenti simbolici e altri tipi di file
> speciali devono "
> "essere creati al momento della compilazione."

Il tipo di file «$filename» non è appropriato, questo comando può
essere ...

> # This error message is issued when the argument to -Page_Length is
> absurd.
> #
> #       $Number         The offending page length.
> #
> #: libaegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "a page length of $number is out of range"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "page length $number out of range"
> msgstr "Una lunghezza di pagina è fuori tolleranza"
> #
> # This error message is issued when the argument to -Page_Width is
> absurd.
> #
> #       $Number         The offending page width.
> #
> #: libaegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "a page width of $number is out of range"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "page width $number out of range"
> msgstr "Una larghezza di pagina è fuori tolleranza"

Mancherebbe il $number...

> #
> # This message is issued when partial development builds are
> completed.
> #
> #: aegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "partial build complete ${date %H:%M}"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "partial build complete"
> msgstr "Compilazione parziale completata ${date %H:%M}"
> #
> # This message is issued when partial development builds are
> commenced.
> #
> #: aegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "partial build started ${date %H:%M}"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "partial build started"
> msgstr "Compilazione parziale iniziata ${date %H:%M}"


> # This error message is issued when too many arguments are given to
> the
> # sort function.
> #
> #       $Number         The number of arguments given.
> #
> #: libaegis/aer/func/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "sort requires exactly 1 argument (was given $number)"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "sort requires exactly 1 argument (was given $number)"
> msgstr "L'ordinamento richiede esattamente 1 argomento (ne sono stati
> dati $number)"


> # This is the name of the program's standard input.  The place input
> # from getchar (et al) comes from.
> #
> #: libaegis/input/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "the standard input"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "standard input"
> msgstr "Input standard"
> #
> # This is the name of the program's standard output.  The place output
> # from putchar (et al) goes.
> #
> #: libaegis/output/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "the standard output"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "standard output"
> msgstr "Output standard"

Io le lascerei come in inglese. Da quello che si legge non è l'input,
quello che gli passo in ingresso, a essere standard, è _dove_ glielo
passo in ingresso che è standard; la stessa cosa per l'output, è il
canale di output a essere quello standard, non l'output in sé... almeno
secondo quello che c'è scritto...

> # This error message is issued before running test_command if
> # progress messages were requested
> #
> #      $Current        Current test number
> #      $Total          Total number of tests
> #      $REMaining      Estimated number of seconds remaining.
> #
> #: libaegis/change/test/
> libaegis/change/test/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "test $current of $total, ${date %H:%M}, ETA $remaining"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "test $current of $total"
> msgstr "Test $current di $total, $[date %H:%M}, ETA $remaining"


> # This message is printed when the variable named in a catch lause is
> # not a modifiable lvalue.
> #
> #: libaegis/aer/stmt/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "the catch variable must be modifiable"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "the catch variable must be modifiable"
> msgstr "La variabile della clausula «catch» deve essere modificabile"

s/clausula/clausola (credo...

> # This message is issued when a for(a in b) loop is given a control
> # expression (the first one) which is not an lvalue.  This is
> determined
> # at compile time, the other one is determined at run time.
> #
> #: libaegis/aer/stmt/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "the loop variable must be a modifiable lvalue"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "the loop variable must be modifiable"
> msgstr "La variabile loop deve essere composta da un valore a sinistra
> modificabile"
> #
> # This message is issued when a for(a in b) loop is given a control
> expression
> # (the first one) which is not an lvalue.
> #
> #       $Name           The type name of the offending expression.
> #
> #: libaegis/aer/stmt/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "the loop variable must be a modifiable lvalue (was given
> $name)"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "the loop variable must be modifiable (not $name)"
> msgstr ""
> "La variabile loop deve essere composta da un valore a sinistra
> modificabile (è stato dato $name)"

hmm... boh... io avrei lasciato lvalue, anche se così è effettivamente

> # This warning is issued when a delta date is specified which
> # falls before the start of a branch.  This is not meaningful when
> # recreating the contents of a branch.
> #
> #       $number         The offending date and time.
> #
> #: libaegis/project/file/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "warning: the time \"$number\" is after the branch finished, this
> is
> not "
> #  "meaningful when recreating the contents of the branch"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "time $number after branch"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: il tempo «$number» si situa dopo la fine del ramo, questo
> non è "
> "significativo quando si ri-creano i contenuti del ramo"
> #
> # This warning is issued when a delta date is specified which falls
> # before the start of a branch.  This is not meaningful when
> recreating
> # the contents of a branch.
> #
> #       $number         The offending date and time.
> #
> #: libaegis/project/file/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "warning: the time \"$number\" is before the branch started, this
> is
> not "
> #  "meaningful when recreating the contents of the branch"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "time $number before branch"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: il tempo «$number» si situa prima dell'inizio del ramo,
> questo non è "
> "significativo quando si ri-creano i contenuti del ramo"


> #
> # This error message is issued when too few files names are specified
> on
> # the command line.
> #
> #: aediff/ aegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "too few files named"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "too few files named"
> msgstr "È stato dato il nome di troppi pochi file"

Troppi pochi file forniti ?

> #
> # This error message is issued when an unknown C escape sequence is
> seen.
> #
> #       $Name           The offending escape sequence, including the
> backslash.
> #
> #: libaegis/aer/ libaegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "unknown '$name' escape"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "unknown '$name' escape"
> msgstr "Escape «$name» sconosciuto"

Sequenza di escape ... sconosciuta ?

> #
> # This warning message is issued when the the old project
> configuration
> # file name if given to the aenf command, without a -config or
> -noconfig
> # option.  This has been obsoleted, and users are encouraged to use
> the
> # new project configuration filename instead.
> #
> #       $File_Name1     The name of the old project configuration
> file.
> #       $File_Name2     The name of the new project configuration file
> default.
> #
> #: aegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "Warning: The \"$filename1\" file has been deprecated, it is
> suggested that "
> #  "you use the \"$filename2\" file instead.  See aenf(1) for more
> information."
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: $filename1 deprecated, use $filename2 file instead"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: il file «$filename1» è deprecato, si suggerisce di usare
> «$filename2» "
> "in sostituzione. Vedere aenf(1) per maggiori informazioni."

s/si suggerisce di//
s/Vedere/Consultare ?

> #
> #
> # This warning message is issued when Aegis finds files which require
> # merging, but has been (explicitly or implicitly) requested no to
> # perform any merges.
> #
> #       $Number         The number of files requiring merging.
> #                       (Optional)
> #
> #: aegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "warning: there ${plural $number 'are $number files which need' 'is
> a
> file "
> #  "which needs' } to be differenced"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: diffable files"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: ${plural $number 'Vi sono' 'Vi è'} $number file che
> ${plural $number necessitano necessita} "
> "una ricerca di differenze"

essendo $number opzionale e la stringa singolare in inglese dice "is a
file", come viene gestito quel numero nel caso del nostro singolare?

Viene fuori "Vi è 1 file" o "Vi è file"?

> #
> # This error message is issued when your search expression doesn't
> # do anything.
> #
> #: aefind/cmdline.y:528
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "warning: expression has no side effects, assuming you meant to
> -PRint files "
> #  "matching the given expression"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: expression has no side effects, assuming you meant
> -PRint"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: l'espressione non ha effetti collaterali, presumendo che
> si
> intendesse "
> "«-PRint» i file che concidono con l'espressione data"


> #
> # This warning message is issued when aeipass adjust file modification
> # times, and finds that one or more file have modification times a few
> # seconds into the future.
> #
> #       $Number         The number of seconds into the future.
> #                       (Optional)
> #
> #: aegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "warning: file modification times extend $number second${plural
> $number s} "
> #  "into the future"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: file times in future"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: i tempi di modifica del file si estende di $number
> ${plural
> $number secondi secondo} nel futuro"

i tempi... si estendono...

> # This warning message is issued when an aechown command attempts to
> # change the owner of a change to the current owner.
> #
> #: aegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "warning: no need to change owner, already being developed by user
> "
> #  "\"$developer\", a new development directory will be constructed"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: no chown"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: nessun bisogno di modificare il proprietario, la modifica
> è
> già in fase di "
> "sviluppo dall'utente «$developer»; una nuova directory di sviluppo
> sarà
> costruita"

s/costruita/creata ?

> #
> # This warning is issued when a received file could have a Trojan
> horse
> # attack in it, but the use said to keep going.
> #
> #: aedist/ aepatch/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "Warning: This change contains files which could host a Trojan
> horse
> attack.  "
> #  "Because you specified the --no-trojan option, the development will
> proceed "
> #  "despite this."
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: potential trojan, proceeding anyway"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: questa modifica contiene dei file che potrebbero ospitare
> un attacco "
> "«trojan horse». Poiché è stata specificata l'opzione «--no-trojan»,
> lo
> sviluppo "
> "procederà malgrado questo."

un attacco di tipo... ?

> #
> # This warning message is issued when a rmdir fails, but Aegis will
> continue.
> #
> #       $File_Name      The name of the directory to be removed.
> #
> #: aegis/ libaegis/dir/functor/
> #: libaegis/os/rmdir/ libaegis/os/rmdir/
> #: libaegis/os/rmdir/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "warning: rmdir \"$filename\": $errno"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: rmdir $filename: $errno"
> msgstr "Attenzione: rmdir «$filename»: $errno"

....rmdir di

Come negli altri casi, se invece si vuole indicare il comando vero e
proprio, allora personalmente eliminerei le caporali...

> #
> # This warning message is issued when a state fails, but Aegis will
> continue.
> #
> #       $File_Name      The name of the file to be stat()ed.
> #
> #: libaegis/os/unlink/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "warning: stat \"$filename\": $errno"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: stat $filename: $errno"
> msgstr "Attenzione: stat «$filename»: $errno"

....stat di

> #
> # This warning message is issued when in Aegis runs in test mode.
> #
> #: libaegis/os/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "Warning: This copy is running in \"test\" mode.  It has reduced
> capabilities "
> #  "due to reduced privileges.  This mode is provided solely for
> testing, and is "
> #  "not a recommended operating mode."
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: test mode"
> msgstr ""
> "Attenzione: questa copia è in esecuzione in modalità «test», con
> capacità ridotte a "
> "causa dei privilegi ridotti. Questa modalità è fornita unicamente per
> i
> test, e non è "
> "una modalità operativa raccomandata."

s/, e/ e

> #
> # This warning message is issued when an unlink fails, but Aegis will
> continue.
> #
> #       $File_Name      The name of the file to be unlinked.
> #
> #: libaegis/dir/functor/ libaegis/os/unlink/
> #: libaegis/os/unlink/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr "warning: unlink \"$filename\": $errno"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "warning: unlink $filename: $errno"
> msgstr "Attenzione: unlink «$filename»: $errno"

unlink di...

> # This error message is issued when a aerpu command is run by a
> # user who was not the reviewer of the change being operated on.
> #
> #: aegis/
> # For consistent translation, here is the English text:
> #  msgstr ""
> #  "user \"$user\" was not the reviewer of this change, only user
> \"$reviewer\" "
> #  "may undo the review pass"
> # Please translate the English msgstr, not the msgid.
> msgid "was not reviewer"
> msgstr ""
> "L'utente «$user» non era il revisore di questa modifica, solo
> l'utente
> "
> "«$reviewer» può annullare il superamento della revisione"

.... il passo di revisione ?

Milo Casagrande <>
-------------- parte successiva --------------
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Tipo:        application/pgp-signature
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