We fund early stage-start-up ventures

Mr Humaid Al Balushi eghoasy@aol.com
Ven 13 Giu 2014 18:09:29 CEST


We fund early stage-start-up ventures, partnership, existing Ventures and do total completion and investment expansion projects. Leverage walk-in equity on discounted commercial or residential purchases by employing our funds for down payment & closing costs. Qualify for better Rate & Term based on a lower LTV but still achieve high CLTV or $0 down financing. Funds available for acquisition, rehab or carrying costs including CASH-OUT! Advance equity fund disbursement based on verifiable walk-in equity. No income, asset or credit requirements. Seasoned Funds for reserves and earnest money also available. Brokers welcome! Contact us for start-up funding, commercial RE Finance, seed capital, early stage start-up ventures, Joint Venture/Partnership investment with liquidity from our part, Loan
Construction, Oil & gas, Mortgages. We can fund excess of $900M.

Humaid Al Balushi,
Chief lending officer.
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