tor-launcher-network-settings (Tor Project)

Alessandro Grassi
Lun 19 Maggio 2014 13:50:54 CEST

Ciao, questo è il terzo e ultimo file per oggi:

<!ENTITY torsettings.dialog.title "Impostazioni rete Tor">

<!-- For "first run" wizard: -->

<!ENTITY torsettings.prompt "Prima di connettersi alla rete Tor, si
devono fornire le informazioni riguardo la connessione internet di
questo computer.">

<!ENTITY torSettings.yes "Sì">
<!ENTITY "No">

<!ENTITY torSettings.firstQuestion "Quale delle seguenti descrizioni
raffigura meglio la propria situazione?">
<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "La connessione ad Internet di
questo computer è censurata, filtrata, o passa attraverso un proxy.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "C'è bisogno di configurare un
bridge, firewall o settaggi proxy.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Configura">
<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "Vorrei connettermi direttamente
alla rete Tor.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "Questo funzionerà nella maggior
parte delle situazioni.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.connect "Connetti">

<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyQuestion "Questo computer usa un proxy per
accedere ad Internet?">
<!-- see -->
<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyHelp "Se non si è sicuri su come rispondere
a questa domanda, controllare le impostazioni Internet di un altro
browser web per vedere se sia configurato l'uso di un proxy.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.enterProxy "Inserire le impostazioni del proxy.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.firewallQuestion "La connessione ad Internet di
questo computer passa attraverso un firewall che permette le
connessioni solo ad alcune porte?">
<!ENTITY torSettings.firewallHelp "Se non si è sicuri su come
rispondere a questa domanda, selezionare No. Nel caso in cui si
verifichino problemi di connessione alla rete Tor, cambiare queste
<!ENTITY torSettings.enterFirewall "Inserire una lista di porte
consentite dal firewall, separate da una virgola.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Il fornitore di servizi internet
(ISP) blocca o censura la connessione alla rete Tor?">
<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeHelp "Se non si è sicuri di come rispondere
alla domanda, scegliere No.  Se si sceglie Sì, verrà chiesto di
configurare Tor Bridges, che consiste in relay non elencati che
rendono più difficile bloccare le connessioni alla Rete Tor.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "Si può usare il set
preconfigurato di bridge o ottenere ed inserire un set personale di

<!-- Other: -->

<!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "In attesa di avviare Tor...">
<!ENTITY torsettings.restart "Riavviare">

<!ENTITY torsettings.optional "Facoltativo">

<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "Questo computer utilizza un
proxy per accedere ad Internet">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Tipo di proxy:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address "Indirizzo:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "Indirizzo IP oppure
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.port "Porta:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.username "Nome utente:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.password "Password:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks4 "SOCKS 4">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks5 "SOCKS 5">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.http "HTTP / HTTPS">
<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "Questo computer passa
attraverso un firewall che permette le connessioni solo ad alcune
<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Porte consentite:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "Il mio fornitore di servizi
Internet (ISP) blocca le connessioni alla rete Tor">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Collegarsi usando i bridge
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Tipo di trasporto:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Inserire bridge personaizzati">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Inserire uno o più bridge relay
(uno per riga)">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "Inserire indirizzo:porta">

<!ENTITY torsettings.copyLog "Copiare il log di Tor negli
"appunti" di sistema">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Aiuto per i ponti relé">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "Se non si riesce a connetteresi alla
rete Tor, è possibile che l'Internet Service Provider (ISP) o una
qualche altra agenzia stiano bloccando Tor.  Spesso si può
aggirare questo problema utilizzando un Bridge Tor, che è un relay non
tracciato più difficile da bloccare.">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1B "Si può usare il set preconfigurato
di indirizzi bridge o ottenere un set personale di indirizzi
attraverso uno di questi tre metodi:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "Attraverso il web">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Usare un browser per visitare">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Attraverso l'autorisponditore Email">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Mandare una mail a con scritto 'get bridges' nel corpo del
messaggio.  Tuttavia, per rendere più difficile il riconoscimento
di molti indirizzi bridge, si deve mandare questa richiesta da un
account o">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Attraverso l'Help Desk">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "Come ultima spiaggia, si può
richiedere un indirizzo bridge mandando una cortese mail a  Si tenga conto che una persona dovrà
rispondere ad ogni singola richiesta.">

e questo è l'originale:

<!ENTITY torsettings.dialog.title "Tor Network Settings">

<!-- For "first run" wizard: -->

<!ENTITY torsettings.prompt "Before you connect to the Tor network,
you need to provide information about this computer's Internet

<!ENTITY torSettings.yes "Yes">
<!ENTITY "No">

<!ENTITY torSettings.firstQuestion "Which of the following best
describes your situation?">
<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt1 "This computer's Internet
connection is censored, filtered, or proxied.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.configurePrompt2 "I need to configure bridge,
firewall, or proxy settings.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.configure "Configure">
<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt2 "I would like to connect directly
to the Tor network.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.connectPrompt3 "This will work in most situations.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.connect "Connect">

<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyQuestion "Does this computer need to use a
proxy to access the Internet?">
<!-- see -->
<!ENTITY torSettings.proxyHelp "If you are not sure how to answer this
question, look at the Internet settings in another browser to see
whether it is configured to use a proxy.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.enterProxy "Enter the proxy settings.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.firewallQuestion "Does this computer's Internet
connection go through a firewall that only allows connections to
certain ports?">
<!ENTITY torSettings.firewallHelp "If you are not sure how to answer
this question, choose No. If you encounter problems connecting to the
Tor network, change this setting.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.enterFirewall "Enter a comma-separated list of
ports that are allowed by the firewall.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeQuestion "Does your Internet Service
Provider (ISP) block or otherwise censor connections to the Tor
<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeHelp "If you are not sure how to answer
this question, choose No.  If you choose Yes, you will be asked
to configure Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that make it more
difficult to block connections to the Tor Network.">
<!ENTITY torSettings.bridgeSettingsPrompt "You may use the provided
set of bridges or you may obtain and enter a custom set of bridges.">

<!-- Other: -->

<!ENTITY torsettings.startingTor "Waiting for Tor to start...">
<!ENTITY torsettings.restart "Restart">

<!ENTITY torsettings.optional "Optional">

<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.checkbox "This computer needs to use a
proxy to access the Internet">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type "Proxy Type:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address "Address:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.address.placeholder "IP address or hostname">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.port "Port:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.username "Username:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.password "Password:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks4 "SOCKS 4">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.socks5 "SOCKS 5">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useProxy.type.http "HTTP / HTTPS">
<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.checkbox "This computer goes through a
firewall that only allows connections to certain ports">
<!ENTITY torsettings.firewall.allowedPorts "Allowed Ports:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.checkbox "My Internet Service Provider
(ISP) blocks connections to the Tor network">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.default "Connect with provided bridges">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.type "Transport type:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.custom "Enter custom bridges">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.label "Enter one or more bridge relays
(one per line).">
<!ENTITY torsettings.useBridges.placeholder "type address:port">

<!ENTITY torsettings.copyLog "Copy Tor Log To Clipboard">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelpTitle "Bridge Relay Help">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1 "If you are unable to connect to the
Tor network, it could be that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or
another agency is blocking Tor.  Often, you can work around this
problem by using Tor Bridges, which are unlisted relays that are more
difficult to block.">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp1B "You may use the preconfigured,
provided set of bridge addresses or you may obtain a custom set of
addresses by using one of these three methods:">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2Heading "Through the Web">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp2 "Use a web browser to visit">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3Heading "Through the Email Autoresponder">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp3 "Send email to
with the line 'get bridges' by itself in the body of the
message.  However, to make it harder for an attacker to learn a
lot of bridge addresses, you must send this request from a
or email address.">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4Heading "Through the Help Desk">
<!ENTITY torsettings.bridgeHelp4 "As a last resort, you can request
bridge addresses by sending a polite email message to  Please note that a person will need to
respond to each request.">

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