[trashware] Fwd: [Bridges.News] Bridges.org produces comprehensive
guide on
setting up and operating a successful computer refurbishment centre in
paolo palmerini
Mar 9 Nov 2004 10:46:47 CET
On 11/08/04 08:48:57, Rachel Engel wrote:
Bridges.org produces comprehensive guide on setting up and operating a
successful computer refurbishment centre in Africa
November 8, 2004
More Africans need to get their hands on computers in order for Africa
to tap the potential of information and communications technology (ICT)
to improve lives. But the price of new computers puts them beyond the
reach of most Africans. And the overall lack of technical skills also
limits computer use across the continent.
Locally owned computer refurbishment centres may help. When
refurbishment is done cheaply and efficiently, restored computers can
be resold at a low price. But in Africa, it may require more than just
a viable refurbishment operation: everybody wins when a social purpose
is embedded in the business. The refurbishment process provides
technical training to members of the community, who can help sustain
effective ICT use. And centres increase their likelihood of success by
offering services that are usually not otherwise available, like
consultation and technical support.
When used equipment is donated to refurbishment centres it keeps costs
down. It also solves problems for big companies that have social
corporate responsibility obligations, and which increasingly face
environmental mandates on hardware disposal. Several international
initiatives are underway to bring second-hand computers to Africa, and
many intend to refurbish at the local destination.
But there are only a few successful computer refurbishment centres in
Africa at present, and very little is documented about their
experiences for others to learn from. "How to Set Up and Operate a
Successful Computer Refurbishment Centre in Africa: A Planning and
Management Guide" is the result of a study undertaken by bridges.org in
early 2004, which examined the methods and strategies of the computer
refurbishment industry, focusing on Africa. This guide describes the
steps involved in opening a computer refurbishment centre in Africa and
managing it into productivity.
Teresa Peters, bridges.org's executive director believes, “Second-hand
computers aren't ideal, but they will probably be a reality for Africa
at least in the short term. As environmental mandates in North America
and Europe start to kick-in during the next few years, used computers
will be shipped to Africa in unprecedented numbers. It is crucial that
the refurbishment be done locally, so Africans gain skills as part of
the process. This guide sets out proven methods that could be
replicated in refurbishment centres across the continent. ”
For the full report in PDF format please go to:
Ends ###
For more information please contact:
Name: Philipp Schmidt, Technology Programme Manager
Email: research@bridges.org
Tel: +27 21 465 9313
Fax: +27 21 465 5917
About bridges.org
Bridges.org is an international non-profit organisation based in South
Africa with a mission to promote the effective use of ICT in developing
countries to improve people's lives. One area of focus is informing
policy decisions that affect people's access to and use of ICT.
Bridges.org also conducts technology research and provides social
consulting services to ground level projects using ICT, helping with
project planning and evaluation and relaying lessons learned. It brings
an entrepreneurial attitude to its social mission, and is committed to
working with, instead of against, government agencies and the business
community. For more information please see www.bridges.org.
paolo palmerini
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