[Fwd: Re: looking for OS software used in conservation]

Stefano Costa steko@iosa.it
Mon Oct 16 12:43:45 CEST 2006

I suppose this message was meant for the mailing list. I'll forward it.

------- Messaggio inoltrato -------
Da: Luca Bezzi <luca.bezzi@arc-team.com>
Rispondi-a: luca.bezzi@arc-team.com
A: Stefano Costa <steko@iosa.it>
Oggetto: Re: looking for OS software used in conservation
Data: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 21:29:29 +0200

On Mit Okt 11 12:57 , Stefano Costa sent:

        Il giorno mer, 11/10/2006 alle 13.24 +0300, Nikolaos Maniatis ha
        > Dear list members,
        > I would be interested to get hold of any information about
        Open Source
        > Software that can be or has been used in conservation of
        > and works of art. More specifically I would like to use
        software that
        > could simplify the following tasks: 
        > 1. Rectification uses geometric information (height and width
        > a rectangle measured on-site).
        You can do this in many ways with open source software: 


                1 GRASS
                2 QGIS
                3 GRASS + e-foto + GIMP
         The first option is very good, but maybe too long (10 points
        and long elaboration), the second one is fast if you have a
        perfect picture (I mean without distorsion). But personally I
        prefer the third way, I used it already for very big photomosaic
        and it gave me nice results (better than with closed software).
        It is maybe a to long to explain it now in the mailing-list, but
        I will try to write a short tutorial in english and post it in
        the website of ArcheOS (www.arc-team.com/archeos/index.html). I
        worked in this way very much, documenting archaeological layers
        and walls.
        Best reguards,
        Luca Bezzi 
        Archaeology & Free Software 
        luca.bezzi@arc-team.com . 
Stefano Costa
http://www.iosa.it Open Archaeology
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Jabber: steko@jabber.linux.it
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