Quantitative archaeology wiki

"Juan A. Barceló" JuanAntonio.Barcelo@uab.es
Wed Jan 24 16:23:23 CET 2007

Dear all,
I am writing a book on Artificial Intelligence in Archaeology, and 
therefore I have plenty of material about subjects like: classification, 
clustering, concept formation, neural networks,... Although the book 
cannot be placed on an open forum (it will be published by a commercial 
publisher), there are materials that can be included in the wiki.
I have also a lot of material about statistics and spatial analysis. 
Although some material is written in spanish, there is plenty of 
materials that can be easily adapted in english.

You can check some of these materials at 
http://seneca.uab.cat/PREHISTORIA/BARCELO/TYT.html  Please, follow the 
buttons on the left side about Artificial Intelligence, statistics, 
Spatial Analysis and Visualization.

best wishes
Juan A. Barcelo
Quatitative Archaeology Lab
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

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