Distro build update

Fabrizio Furnari fab.furnari@gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 15:14:57 CET 2010

Hi all,
I'm trying a different approach to build next release of ArcheOS. I'm pretty
busy so I recap some steps and infos here:

   1. I set up a live Debian Lenny system
   2. On top of it I've installed git-core (for fetching packages) and
   3. In the /root directory I've created a dir called live-debian and
   entered it
   4. launch lh_config -p kde
   5. copy the etc and usr folders of the GIT repository in
   6. copy the deb packages in config/chroot_local-packages/
   7. edit config/chroot and add to the LH_PACKAGES="" the list of packages
   to install from repos (can be found on the redmine wiki)
   8. edit config/binary and set the LH_DEBIAN_INSTALLER="" to enabled
   9. do other customization
   10. launch lh_build

Now we need to talk about kde3, artwork, and so on...

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