[gl-como] Materiale per il TuxBox
Margherita Di Leo
Gio 11 Set 2014 09:35:51 CEST
2014-09-10 21:00 GMT+02:00 Elena ``of Valhalla'' <elena.valhalla@gmail.com>:
> Proposte?
> --
> Grazie Elena, io propongo OSGeo-Live :
ciao m
Best regards,
Dr. Margherita DI LEO
Scientific / technical project officer
European Commission - DG JRC
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
Via Fermi, 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261
Tel. +39 0332 78 3600
Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not
in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of the
European Commission.
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