Tradurre vFolder in Evolution
Luca Ferretti
Gio 17 Feb 2005 20:29:09 CET
In Evolution con tale nome si indica, per l'appunto, una cartella di
posta virtuale creata in base a delle regole come quelle di filtro, ma
senza spostare i messaggi dalla cartella (reale) di posta in cui sono
archiviati. Pių sotto la descrizione ufficiale dalla guida per chi non
usasse il programma.
Nella versione di sviluppo sono stati modificati tutti i messaggi in
modo di usare sempre e solo "vFolder", invece che questo termine e
"virtual folder". Nella traduzione italiana si era preferito usare
"cartella virtuale". Insisto in tal senso o uso il termine ufficiale del
O magari "CartellaV"..... Tipo Combattler V..... :->
dal manuale di Evolution -----------------------------------------------
If filters aren’t flexible enough for you, or you find yourself
performing the same search again and again, consider a vFolder.
vFolders, or virtual folders, are an advanced way of viewing your e-mail
messages within Evolution. If you get a lot of mail or often forget
where you put messages, vFolders can help you keep things organized.
A vFolder is really a hybrid of all the other organizational tools: it
looks like a folder, it acts like a search, and you set it up like a
filter. In other words, a conventional folder actually contains
messages, but a vFolder is a view of messages that might be in several
different folders. The messages it contains are determined on the fly
using a set of criteria you choose in advance.
As messages that meet the vFolder criteria arrive or are deleted,
Evolution automatically adjusts the vFolder contents. When you delete a
message, it is erased from the folder in which it actually exists, as
well as any vFolders that display it.
The Unmatched vFolder is the opposite of other vFolders: it displays all
messages that do not appear in other vFolders.If you use remote e-mail
storage like IMAP or Microsoft Exchange, and have created vFolders to
search through them, the Unmatched vFolder also searches the remote
folders. If you do not create any vFolders that search remote mail
stores, the Unmatched vFolder does not search in them either.
As an example of using folders, searches, and vFolders, consider the
following example: To organize his mailbox, Jim sets up a virtual folder
for e-mails from his friend and co-worker Anna. He has another vFolder
for messages that have in the address and Evolution in the
subject line, so he can keep a record of what people from work send him
about Evolution. If Anna sends him a message about anything other than
Evolution, it only shows up in the “Anna” vFolder. When Anna sends him
mail about the user interface for Evolution, he can see the message both
in the “Anna” vFolder and in the “Internal Evolution Discussion”
Luca Ferretti <>
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