SECT rated "Buy" could move more than 500%
Buy News Alert
Mer 1 Apr 2009 12:36:22 CEST
SECT.OB rated Spec ?BUY? and target of 50 cents!
The stock could move more than 500% from its current trading range
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Savvy Investors!
I have found a GEM in the rough. Sector 10 Inc. is currently trading under 10 cents per share, but could break-out into a much higher range anytime!
Emergency response and occupant safety have been on everyone?s minds for several years now, and SECT is poised to take advantage of this niche Sector by offering a solution that is seamless and affordable, but still has incredible margins. This, of course, means that when SECT starts rolling out its safety products, the company will be bringing it home to the bottom line.
Don?t miss adding SECT to your portfolio Now! For a few cents per share the upside is enormous 500% or more short term trading profit potential
SECT 10 is the only company, of which I am aware, currently emphasizing a ?pre-deployment? resource strategy for buildings, arenas and other potential crisis areas. As opposed to waiting on the 911 response team to get there, often in situations that seconds could mean the difference between someone living and dying, SECT 10?s primary focus is to ?Bridge the Survival gap?, by providing a wide suite of tools to render aid and hopefully saving lives in the process.
Terrorism, natural disasters and other emergencies are becoming more commonplace throughout the globe. In these modern times, the fear is we?re not properly prepared, even the most common threats can become major catastrophes, compounded by the typical post-deployment response mentality.
SECT has many possibilities to expand quickly. The first large purchase could spur changes in building code and get insurance companies to offer discounts to building owners that want to get it. Plus, with all the Obamadollars floating around, we may see governments get involved and purchase the units as well. The technology is cutting edge and amazing. I hope you all watch the video?s and presentation on the 3-d secure software solution, it?s incredible
Get ready to trade and profit, as the company releases news
You can see videos and a full report right now! Click Below
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