[apt] traduzione riveduta

Emanuele Aina faina.mail@tiscalinet.it
Tue, 05 Feb 2002 15:35:29 +0100

Samu <samu@linuxasylum.net> indugiņ:

 > i messaggi sui "pin" (non riesco a trovare accenno nel man a cosa
 > sia questo pin).


Citando rapidamente:

 > You can "pin" the version you have installed so that it will not be
 > upgraded.

Ecco come funziona:

 > Let's take a look at how pin priorities work. A priority lower than
 > 0 indicates that the package should never be installed. Priorities 0
 > to 100 denote packages that are not installed and that have no
 > available versions. These won't come into the version-choosing
 > process.
 > Priority 100 is the priority assigned to an installed package - for
 > the installed version of a package to be replaced by a different
 > version, the replacement must have a priority greater than 100.

Au revoir.